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MIRACOOL Cooling Bandana 24 or 100 Piece Bulk Pack - Choice of Solids or Prints - 940B

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Sale Price: Starting at $38.88
Manufacturer: MiraCool

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Jumbo Savings!!!  MiraCool® Bandana 24 Piece or 100 Piece Bulk Pack. The MiraCool bandana is simple, economical and very effective. Simply hydrate in cool water, then wear around your neck. To maximize cooling effect, keep Cooling Crystals within each Bandana well hydrated or shake occasionally to stimulate evaporation. 100% cotton with polymer cooling crystals inside.
Bulk packs have either one instruction card per pack or instructions printed on the outside of the package.    Great for the whole team, crew, shift or platoon where individual instruction cards are not needed.

Colors: Navy, Cowboy Red, or Assorted ( Navy, Blue Denim, Cowboy Red and Cowboy Blue). 

MiraCool Cooling Crystals encased within the 100% cotton fabric absorb  MiraCool Crystals work in combination with the evaporation process. When worn against head, neck or body, cooling sensations are passed to pulse points and carried throughout the body.

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