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BIG SALE! MIRACOOL Cooling Vest - Reversible - Hi Viz Orange - 900-HV3

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Manufacturer: MiraCool

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Beat the Heat!  The MiraCool Cooling Vest is made of 100% Cotton with super-absorbent cooling crystals.  Front hook & loop closure.  Expandable hook & loop sides.  The vest  covers the torso for effective body cooling protection. Just soak vest in cool water for 10-20 minutes to activate.  Cooling Crystals encased within channels keep working even when worn over lightweight shirt.   Reversible for when body slightly warms one side. Adjustable side straps ensure good fit and continuous cooling contact with vest.  Vest comes with "Soak Tote" hydration bag for anytime, anywhere rehydration. There's even a velcro-on outer pocket. Great for outside workers and sportsman. Also ideal for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or other medical conditions where they have trouble regulating body heat.

Regular fits men's jacket sizes up to 46

Color: Hi Viz Orange

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